
Have you ever sat in an airport in a foreign country? Listening to the announcements one after another being spoken in broken English. They are spoken in your native tongue of English (majority of the time) with a foreign accent, in a foreign country by a person who to them the language is not their native tongue. #kapeesh

Well if that made your head swim, feel confused and a bit #saywhat #comeagain then that’s exactly how I felt. Sitting there in that airport waiting for the stewardess to call us all to board, watching the clock in front of the correct gate number. #i’mleavingonajetplane

It’s that moment in between. In between the holiday and reality, between relaxation and stress. A moment where time stops. A moment where you promise yourself to never let it go so long between holidays again and to find that perfect work / life balance.

A transition.

Transitions are harder for some people than others and some moments of change harder than others. I’m not sure why this moment felt so big.

True I’d sat in many airport lounges, waited in cues, nodded and smiled my way through security and customs. I’d sat on cold hard plastic chairs, floors and leant against walls. Watched clocks ticked and learnt how to speak fluent airport announcer. But this moment felt like I was about to not only get on a plane home, but embark on a new journey. That a new chapter was about to begin. #nextstageoflife

And I was. My husband and I had finally come to the agreement we would try again for a family. 6 months after our wedding and approximately 8 months after his dad was first diagnosed, my husband was told those words most women in their 30s dread…..

I’m sorry sir but it is unlikely you will ever have kids.

I never considered they would be the same words men in their 30s dreaded too.

#1in25men #bigyear #anythingelseuniverse #stilllovehim

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